
* denotes equal contribution.


  1. NeurIPS
    MambaLRP: Explaining Selective State Space Sequence Models
    Rezaei Jafari, F., Montavon, G., Müller, K-R., and Eberle, O.
  2. arXiv
    Towards Symbolic XAI – Explanation Through Human Understandable Logical Relationships Between Features
    Schnake, T.*,  Rezaei Jafari, F.*, Lederer, J, Xiong, P., Nakajima, S., Gugler, S., Montavon, G., and Müller, K-R.
    * denotes equal contribution.


  1. ECCV Oral
    Adaptive Token Sampling For Efficient Vision Transformers
    Fayyaz, M.*, Abbasi Kouhpayegani, S.*,  Rezaei Jafari, F.*, Sengupta, S., Sommerlade, E., Vaezi Joze, H., Pirsiavash, H., and Gall, J.
    * denotes equal contribution.